Surviving Scientology Episode 35 with Aaron Smith-Levin

In a fascinating and wide raging interview with Jeffrey Augustine, former Sea Org member Aaron Smith-Levin discusses the topics of Scientology’s controversial Freeloader bills, the Clear Cognition, and other topics.

Companion documents for this interview:

Aaron and his wife’s Freeloader Bill totaling $129,344.27 itemized on an Excel spreadsheet. Note: You must download this document on Scribd to view it as an Excel spreadsheet.

Petition to reduce Freeloader Debt by removing Non-Bridge courses.

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Surviving Scientology Episode 33 with Jesse Prince

Jesse Prince was in the Church of Scientology from 1976 to 1992. After extensive training at Scientology’s “Flag” spiritual headquarters in Cleawater, Florida, Jesse became a “Class IX” auditor. Jesse was then ordered by L. Ron Hubbard to report to Scientology’s secretive international management headquarters near Hemet, California, Gold Base, to serve as the Cramming Officer in the Inspector General network In this capacity Jesse became auditor to the man who would take over for Hubbard, David Miscavige.

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Surviving Scientology Episode 32 with Aaron Smith-Levin

In Part 2, Aaron Smith-Levin continue his fascinating and wide ranging excursion into the world of Scientology from the eyes of a Sea Org member. Aaron opens by describing how he realized that the highly dysfunctional operating conditions of the six Los Angeles Orgs are a reflection of the same dysfunctional conditions at Int Base. Aaron then shockingly describes how Flag “handled” the medical emergency that befell a long term Scientologist who was routing into Flag.

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Surviving Scientology Episode 31 with Aaron Smith-Levin

Former Sea Org member Aaron Smith-Levin discussed growing up and coming of age in the Church of Scientology. He iwas a staff member at 12 years old. (The Cult has no problem hiring and using children. )
Some highly inside factual information on the money extortion of the “International Association of Scientologists” (IAS) and for Scientology Watchers trying to understand the culture within, this is a good one.

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