Surviving Scientology Episode 19 with Mark Fisher

Former Sea Org member Mark Fisher served as “Corporate Liason” a fictitious post or job to pretend separation of the the for-profit Author Services and the management of the Church.
In Part one of this series, Mark talks about day to day operations
giving up college for what he then thought was a “noble cause”
Didn’t we all !
Mark was spied on with Private Investigators for some 25 years after he left. ..

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Surviving Scientology Episode 18 with Mike Rinder

Mike Rinder discusses the Scientology PR flack Sylvia Stanard’s recent speech about Scientology at the Chataqua religious conclave. Stanard lied about Xenu, Disconnection, and other matters of substance. Stanard was evasive and refused to honestly answer questions. Mike Rinder makes the point that no Church of Scientology spokesperson can tell the truth — and Rinder knows as he was the International Spokesman for the Church of Scientology for over twenty years.

Mike Rinder makes the point that all the Church of Scientology can do is to evade, duck, and deflect the hard questions and does so by focusing on its real estate portfolio as proof of its expansion. “If Scientology were really that bad would we be purchasing and opening all of these new Ideal Orgs?”

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Surviving Scientology Episode 17 with Mareka Brousseau

Mareka Brousseau was born a third generation Scientologist. She discusses her childhood and the harsh conditions in Sea Org nurseries. Mareka signed a Sea Org contract when she was nine years old. Mareka’s mother and stepfather are Haydn and Lucy James.

Her husband John Brousseau did a couple of amazingly revealing interviews with Tony Ortega.

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Surviving Scientology Episode 12 with Pete Griffiths

Pete Griffiths talks about his life in and out of Scientology Inc. How he was left with a 2000 British pound bill for an event and the subsequent events.
Pete has been the target of obscene actions by office of special affairs, the intelligence division of the Church. These include associating him with Gay porn sites, pedophilia and other made up venom.

Pete has united folk in different camps Critics, Exes, Indies, old Guard, Anons, and brought them together. He fights the abuses and atrocities.

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Surviving Scientology Episode 10 with Jackson Morehead

Gary “Jackson” Morehead is the former Security Chief of the Church of Scientology’s secretive headquarters called Int Base (International Base). In Part 2, Jackson describes Life in a Cult ~~ Int Base. How Jackson almost killed a Private investigator by accident.  How a trailer load of secret documents, the history of Church management, cabinet after cabinet left the base for Long Beach and how David Miscavige handled it.

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