Scientology Sea Org Member Peter Nyiri flees the cult after 22 yrs. Part 2

Peter Nyiri shares an inside view of the Sea Org culture within: How does Sea Org act towards each other? For example, Peter had several bosses who constantly gave him multiple and conflicting orders — and this while expecting him to get all orders done all at once. Peter also talks about the constant screaming and endless mental abuse inflicted upon Sea Org members by Sea Org managers.

Peter also discusses include Scientology TV; the inefficiency of Scientology’s in-house printing factory called Bridge Publications; and the defining – and very psychologically cruel — event that caused he and his wife to escape from the Sea Org. (Full story coming soon)

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Surviving Scientology Episode 40 with Dan Koon

Former Sea Org member Dan Koon worked in the compilations unit of Scientology (RTRC) where Hubbard’s writings were turned into official Scientology books, lectures, and publications. Many of these products were sold to Scientologists and the public and thus represented a significant income stream for the Church. Accordingly, David Miscavige micromanaged compilations and Dan worked closely with Miscavige. After leaving the Sea Org, Dan Koon later helped Ron Miscavige Sr. to write his New York Times bestselling book — Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me.

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Surviving Scientology Episode 39 with Mark Fisher

In this podcast Mark Fisher — David Miscavige’s former assistant for many years at the Corporate Liaison Office and later RTC — discusses how L. Ron Hubbard never appointed David Miscavige as his Successor. Instead, Author Services Inc. was the privately-owned for-profit company David Miscavige used to stage a palace coup to take over RTC after the death of L. Ron Hubbard.

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Surviving Scientology Episode 5 with Marc Headley – Part 2

Marc Headley continues his discussion of Life at INT Base, the pinnacle of Scientology Inc. He describes the actual incident of “Int Base Musical Chairs” the most read thread of all time on capturing the *Scientology* world’s attention. At least 350,000 read the story, counting the cross posts. Marc covers the darker more diabolical aspects of Office of Special Affairs which is emotional blackmail.

OSA actually called Child Protective Services to take away Marc and Claire’s children on trumped up charges. This, folks is the vengeful hideous side of the *Church* of Scientology.

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